Technology EducationDepartment
Advanced Technical Drawing - Architecture

Study Questions for Step 1

  1. What is the prerequisite for Advanced CAD and where does this course fit into the Technical Drawing Program?
  2. List the eight basic components of a CAD System and explain the function of each component:
  3. Identify and describe the CAD software programs available in the Technical Drawing Lab:
  4. List the 8 steps to follow for preparing a "multiview sketch" of an object:
  5. List the 8 steps to follow for preparing a "pictorial sketch" of an object:
  6. List and describe the two architectural standards reference books that provide information and specifications for the design and drawing of components and structures:
  7. What is a "Product Information Request Card" and where can this card be found?
  8. What is the "Sweet's File" and where can this file be found?
  9. Identify and describe the steps to follow for the two methods of reproducing copies of drawings in the Technical Drawing Lab:
  10. List the information that should be included on the following "office documents":
    Title Block - Logo - Business Card - Letterhead - Envelope - Invoice
  11. List the steps to follow to access the "Tech Draw" server:

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