Technology EducationDepartment
Advanced Technical Drawing - Architecture
Study Questions for Step 1
- What is the prerequisite for Advanced CAD and where does this course fit into the Technical Drawing Program?
- List the eight basic components of a CAD System and explain the function
of each component:
- Identify and describe the CAD software programs available in the Technical
Drawing Lab:
- List the 8 steps to follow for preparing a "multiview sketch"
of an object:
- List the 8 steps to follow for preparing a "pictorial sketch"
of an object:
- List and describe the two architectural standards reference books that
provide information and specifications for the design and drawing of components
and structures:
- What is a "Product Information Request Card" and where can
this card be found?
- What is the "Sweet's File" and where can this file be found?
- Identify and describe the steps to follow for the two methods of
reproducing copies of drawings in the Technical Drawing Lab:
- List the information that should be included on the following "office documents":
Title Block - Logo - Business Card - Letterhead - Envelope - Invoice
- List the steps to follow to access the "Tech Draw" server:
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