Technology EducationDepartment
Advanced Technical Drawing - Architecture

Study Questions for Step 4

  1. Why is the floor plan considered to be the most important plan in a set of working drawings for a structure?
  2. What is the purpose of a "modular" floor plan?
  3. What determines the wall thicknesses that are shown on a floor plan?
  4. How thick are the following walls drawn:
    Exterior concrete block only _________ or ________
    Exterior concrete block with air space and brick veneer ________ or ________
    Exterior solid brick ________ to ________
    Exterior concrete block with rigid insulation and brick veneer ________ to ________
    Interior concrete block ________ or ________
    Interior steel studs and drywall ________
    Interior brick walls ________Concrete block plumbing walls ________ or ________
  5. What is the recommended minimum size for each of the following in a commercial building?
    Exterior doors _______Interior doors _______Restroom doors _______
    Service doors _______Hallways _______ Stairway width _______
    Handicapped toilet enclosure ______ x ______
    Handicapped access ramp _______ x _______
  6. What dimensions are shown along the exterior walls on a commercial building?
  7. Dimension lines should be placed _____ of an inch from an exterior wall and _____ of an inch from the preceding dimension line.
  8. How are window and door openings dimensioned on a masonry building?
  9. How are interior walls dimensioned on a masonry building?
  10. How do the symbols for windows and doors differ on commercial plans?
  11. What construction materials influence the placement and size of windows and doors?
  12. What kinds of schedules are utilized with floor plans?
  13. What information is included in a schedule?

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