Technology EducationDepartment
Advanced Technical Drawing - Architecture
Study Questions for Step 9 - Part 1
- List the three (3) primary mechanical systems found in commercial buildings:
- List the two (2) secondary mechanical systems found in commercial buildings:
- What is the purpose of the electrical plan for a commercial building?
- List the five common components of an electrical system for a small
commercial building:
- How do commercial electrical plans differ from residential electrical
- What is the difference between primary and secondary electrical service?
- What type of service voltage is provided for small commercial buildings?
- In what situations or conditions is emergency service necessary?
- List two methods of providing emergency service:
- What is the function of the following components:
Service Switch
Distribution Panel
Circuit Breaker
Bus Duct
Pull Box
- What is the purpose of a "Riser Diagram"?
- What determines the number of circuits in a building and the number
of outlets or fixtures on a circuit?
- Sketch the appropriate symbol for the following:
Wall mounted light fixture
Ceiling mounted light fixture
Fluorescent fixture
Recessed lighting fixtures
Continuous fluorescent fixtures
Illuminated exit sign
Duplex receptacle
Special receptacle
Quad receptacle
Clock outlet
Floor outlet
GFI outlet
Weather proof outlet
220 outlet
Exhaust fan
Ceiling fan
Exhaust fan w/light
Ceiling fan w/light
Exhaust fan w/light & heater
Attic fan
Single pole switch
Low voltage switch
3-way switch
4-way switch
Door switch
Switch / receptacle combined
Pilot light switch
Remote controlled switch
Dimmer switch
Relay switch
Bell Buzzer
Fire (heat) detector
Smoke detector
Fire alarm station
Intrusion detector
Control panels
Push buttons
Speakers outlets
Telephone outlets
Intercom outlets
Television outlets
Computer outlets
Circuit breaker
Electric meter
Main switch
Electrical Panel
Pull box
BX wiring
Romex wiring
Conduit & wire in ceiling
Conduit & wire in floor
Conduit & wire exposed
Flexible conduit
Empty conduit
Metal raceway
Multi-outlet assembly
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