Technology EducationDepartment
Advanced Technical Drawing - Architecture
Study Questions for Step 9 - Part 2
- What is the purpose of a plumbing system for a commercial building?
- What document is used to regulate the design and installation of plumbing
- List and describe the five (5) components of a typical water supply
system for a small commercial building:
- List four (4) piping materials commonly used for water supply systems:
- List seven (7) types of fittings used to install piping and describe
the function of each:
- List three (3) types of valves and describe their use in a water supply
- What is "water hammer" and how is it controlled?
- What is the difference between an "up feed" and a "down
feed" water supply system and what are the limitations for each system?
- List and describe three (3) devices for heating water:
- List and describe the eight (8) basic components of a "drainage
or waste system" for a commercial building:
- What material is commonly used in "drainage systems"? Explain
- List two (2) additional types of fittings used in "drainage systems"
and describe their use:
- What is the purpose of a plumbing "riser diagram"?
- Give the symbol for the following plumbing items:
Soil or waste pipe
Storm drain
Cold water
Hot water
Fire line
Gas, low pressure
Clay tile
Flanged gate valve
Flange connection
Screwed connection
Welded connection
Compressed air
Fixture drain
Floor drain
Grease trap
Sill cock
- What information is provided on a plumbing plan?
- What scale(s) should be used when drawing or plotting plumbing plans?
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