1. Opening Activity: Think -- Pair -- Share
a. Rangers were asked to brainstorm in groups some of the advantages and concerns of using Power Ranger laptops and "write down one best hope you have regarding the use of your laptop."
b. Comments were discussed with the person sitting across.
c. Comments were shared at table, and each table shared comments with the group:
Period 4:
- convenience when working at home and at desk
- when the technology works, it works very well
- attendance, grades, organizing made efficient
- can accomplish more in less time
- helps with IEP
- Airport adds extra flexibility (can be used in library)
- homework dropbox can occur on server
- personal work is preserved (bookmarks,etc)
- there is quicker service with the laptop
- better communication with students when they or teacher are away
- communication better with parents
Period 5:
- convenience
- mobility -- take to conferences
- organization -- all in one place
- have more than one application open at a time
- all lesson plans on computer reduces the use of transparencies
- shared folder in teams/departments
- drop boxes for student assignments
- repaired quicker -- can carry down to be fixed
Period 6:
- convenience
- organization
- easier access
- communications are more efficient
- you can carry all of your files in one place
- mobility
- easy organization of chapters, use of laptop for beginning of class activities
2. Concerns:
3. Best practices/integrating technology
During each lunch period,Veteran PowerRangers shared examples of how technology is being integrated into the curriculum.
PERIOD 4 ... Amy Read
Amy explained how she uses slideshow presentations to reinforce math problems, and how other teachers use projection lessons to stimulate discussion or reinforce previous points.
PERIOD 5 ... Angela Sacchitello and Jim Feurer
Angela shared the information on her teacher webpage. Besides providing grades online for her students, Angela has links to text help, "Study Spanish" and "Quia" -- used to develop online quizzes. Visit Angela's web page at: http://www3.district125.k12.il.us/faculty/asacchitJim Feurer is using slide shows to give his students pertinent information for the day. Jeopardy games provide review sessions for students.
PERIOD 6 ... Lori Polin-Silva
Lori presented her web page for her Spanish classes and although it is a work in progress she has already provided the following links for students:a. dictionaries
b. newspapers from hispanic countries
c. translators
d. homework help
e. search engines
f. webquest for level 4
g. online rubrics
Visit Lori's web page at: http://www3.district125.k12.il.us/faculty/lpolin-s
4. Other items of discussion....
5. Administrivia
- STAR-online courses -- modules can be completed without University of Stevenson credit (Stevenson has 50 licenses available).
- Mentors were encouraged to continue to share, emphasis on the dual responsibilty was stressed: Mentors should have contacted mentee, mentees need to respond.
- Video Projection: Hardware (cords and connectors) from Charlene and Todd, supply is diminishing
- iBooks: - 12 karts total. MIL-Kart cannot project from Tangerine ibooks.. get the cart that's converted
- Be sure to update virus protection! Especially if using Microsoft products -- particularly susceptable.
6. Are your files backed up?
* Next meeting: Friday, Jan. 25, 2002 -- periods 4, 5, & 6,
in room 7096.
Special thanks to:
Amy Read, Angela Sacchitello, Jim Feurer and Lori Polin-Silva
for sharing their "best practices!"
Mark Biesiada, JoAnn Isleb and Jeri Rosenzweig for assisting at the meeting and taking note.