1. Opening Activity: Think -- Pair
-- Share
During each lunch period PowerRangers worked in groups to identify and compare varying levels of technology integration as presented in three "scenarios" which depicted the stages of technology integration: Literacy (Beginning or Entry level), Adapation (Use it for anything, just use it! = same stories, new tools) and Transformation (New learning stories, with new tools). Rangers also received an outline of these three levels as defined by Educational Technology Planners. (ETP). This very informative document is available on the web at: http://www.edtechplanners.com/files/spectrum.pdf -- all Rangers are encouraged to review this document.View Charlene's Technology Integration PowerPoint slides, OR the PowerPoint as a handout in pdf.
2. Why I Love Technology in My Classroom
Members of the Ratpack assembled a list of tips for successful technology use. These were shared and discussed. "Pocket Guides" were distributed so that PowerRangers could brainstorm and create their own list of helpful tips. Visit the "Why I Love Technology in My Classroom" webpage for the complete list of tips, PLUS more stories and insights shared by fellow PowerRangers.
3. Staff Development options:
4. Administrivia
Several laptop "casualties" have surfaced this month. Sam stressed extra TLC and reminded Rangers that all repairs or laptop problems should be directed to Ellen Shown, x1384.The Ratpack and a few PowerRangers have been testing the OSX operating system. There will be two "Introduction to OSX" sessions offered during the Common Institute day. Sam invitied additional PowerRangers to become testers. Those interested should contact Ellen Shown (x1384). He also reminded everyone that laptops running the new operating system cannot connect to the Novell folders or use SASIxp or CLASSxp.