PowerRanger Meeting Minutes
Friday, April 25, 2003
Room 1418
-- 72 PowerRangers attended --

1. PowerPoint Student Examples
Last month's discussion regarding using PowerPoint in the classroom continued with a focus on student use. Ratpack members shared student examples during the meetings. Charlene demonstrated how to connect to the PowerRanger shared folder and showed where examples can be found, along with extra backgrounds and templates for creating PowerPoint projects.

The PowerRanger shared folder can be selected when you login to the Adlai server (the new "digital home" for all your back up files). Look for the "PowerPoint Fun" folder. Instructions for connecting to Adlai are at: http://www4.district125.k12.il.us/webmeisters/cchausis/tutorial/adlai.html

2. OS X Preview and Planning
Charlene reveiwed the plans for upgrading to OSX. The "training survey" results will be collected and organized by Ratpack member Wendy Custable. Once the training sessions are scheduled, Charlene will develop a timeline for the software updating.

3. Think - Pair - Share
This activity was not completed as too few Rangers brought their "Pocket Guides." We will try this again at the May meeting.

4. Administrivia: Future of the PowerRanger program.
Sam will be emaiing faculty to invite teachers to apply for next year's cadre of PowerRangers. All requests will go through the division director.

Is your virus protection up to date?

* Next and final meeting:
Friday, May. 23, 2002 -- periods 4, 5, & 6, in room 2114.

All PowerRangers are to attend!