PowerRanger Meeting Minutes
Friday, April 26, 2002
Room 7096

1. Best practices/integrating technology

During each lunch period PowerRangers worked in groups to identify and compare varying levels of technology integration as presented in three "scenarios" which depicted the stages of technology integration: Literacy (Beginning or Entry level), Adapation (Use it for anything, just use it! = same stories, new tools) and Transformation (New learning stories, with new tools). Rangers also received an outline of these three levels as defined by Educational Technology Planners (ETP).

View Charlene's Technology Integration PowerPoint slides, OR the PowerPoint as a handout in pdf.

At the end of the activity, the groups were asked to reflect and brainstorm an answer to the question, "If we removed all technology from our school, what current student learning would become impossible or impaired?"


2. Team Workshop Training Day.
One team workshop day remains on May 22. Manolo Rider-Sanchez and Margaret Plank are co-presenters for "Internet Lessons and Collaborative Projects." Just a few spaces remain. Please email Charlene if interested in attending.

3. Future of the PowerRanger program.
Sam advised that openings for 50 new PowerRangers had been announced through email. Teachers wishing to participate are to apply through their division director. It has not yet been decided whether funding will be available to upgrade older laptops to new iBooks -- details forthcoming.

4. End of Second Semester report.
The process for the end of year assessment will be the same as in previous years. The online assessment contains a web-based multiple choice questionnaire and narrative questions. As before, "non-PowerRangers" will be invited to complete the assessment for comparison purposes. Charlene and Sam will prepare a report over the summer so that PowerRangers can compare their current answers to previous entries submmitted, thus providing a documentation of the professional growth among laptop users.

5. Administrivia


Did you update your virus protection May 1st?

* Next and last meeting:
Friday, May. 24, 2002 -- periods 4, 5, & 6, in room 7096.

All PowerRangers are to attend!