1. Best practices/integrating technology
During each lunch period PowerRangers worked in groups to identify and compare varying levels of technology integration as presented in three "scenarios" which depicted the stages of technology integration: Literacy (Beginning or Entry level), Adapation (Use it for anything, just use it! = same stories, new tools) and Transformation (New learning stories, with new tools). Rangers also received an outline of these three levels as defined by Educational Technology Planners (ETP).
View Charlene's Technology Integration PowerPoint slides, OR the
PowerPoint as a handout in pdf.
At the end of the activity, the groups were asked to reflect and
brainstorm an answer to the question, "If we removed all
technology from our school, what current student learning would
become impossible or impaired?"
- -- They would not have access to their grades.
-- Special ed kids would not be able to use calculators or spell check.
-- They would not be able to use current research from journals, encyclopedia.- -- We would go back to reading and writing.
-- No adaptation for physically impaired students.
-- Communication would be difficult.
-- Feedback would be slowed.- -- No more film, media, multi-media class, lots of Applied Arts classes, library (impaired).
-- No grades, no attendance (on SASI), little student accountability.
-- Plagiarism seriously impaired.
-- Students not able to take short cuts.- -- The transfer of information would be impeded (overhead, copier, Internet, email).
-- Communication with students and parents etc. would be much slower and less effective.
-- Less engaging delivery of curriculum.
-- Assistance with students with special needs much less!- Realistic presentations of interior design would be lacking -- no more virtual reality experiences.
- -- Research projects: 4th Spanish/4th French; email, slideshows, PPT/ less static
-- Access to world resources in Foreign Language (Internet)
-- Word processing- -- We would be unable to teach student the ability to assess the aunthenticity/reliability of web resources
-- Would remove students' ability to access authentic materials in another language (newspapers, magazines)
-- Would remove students' ability to communicate instantly with those in other countries
-- Would remove collaborative writing possibilities as well as have editing skills- -- Student handouts/notetaking
-- The transfer of information to student
-- Decifering grades- The student would be unable to: a) research as well, b) show video as well
- -- No calculators in math would impair the curriculum.
-- It would eliminate the health curriculum as it currently exists.
-- More teacher directed
-- All the teachers with web pages....- -- Current scientific research and application to curriculum difficult to attain.
-- Collaborative student projects (no data file sharing)
-- Decreased teacher-to-teacher communication leads to discontinuity of curriculum
-- Ability to plagiarize- -- Student work time increased
-- Tech > skill practice > creativity
-- Correction time shortened
-- Multi-modality
-- Creates opportunities for wider variety of student success for students with different learning styles
-- More humans needed- -- Slower information sharing/distribution
-- No native speakers, no CDs, tapes, videos
-- No fast research
-- More direct instruction, less interactive
-- Lessons would take longer- -- Video: aids to language learning, especially culture and accents
-- Computer: immediate feedback
-- Repetitive: monotonous- It would slow down the learning process. Students would lose some visual understanding.
- -- No graphing calculator = lose visual side of the learning. i.e. many examples of graphing lines and quadratics (we learn shifts).
-- Geometry: Geometer's Sketchpad/TI-92 facilitates the students to make discoveries.- Conceptualizing different models. Research.
- -- Grades
-- Assignment sheets
-- Students would not hand in as much work, because they could not check grades
-- It just makes the learning and presentation slower if technology was taken away.- -- Health: married to textbooks which almost are outdated before they are printed.
-- Math: many more algorithms would have to be taught. Much less "math" would be taught.
-- Applied Arts/Graphic Arts: Hand set type, much slower process.- The writing process would be impaired because students would have difficulty with editing -- i.e. spelling, punctuation, sentence formation. It would also impair content formation. The ability to form ideas, shift and move content. There would also be an impact on information. There are several resources available for data collection. Teacher can post information.
- Learning would not become impossible but impaired (time element longer). For special needs students, spell check and correction on the computer, rather than rewrite, rewrite.
- -- No computer programming classes.
-- No graphic calculators ... brutal!
-- No webquest (treasure hunt)
-- No interactive programs
-- No PowerPoint presentations
-- Acrobat files gone
-- No Charlene!- We could do the same things without technology because we work in a structure that emphasizes the importance of CRT scores and AP Exams and formative assessments. If you really want to encourage teachers to transform -- reward that, not rote memorization.
- Our students would not write or do research without access to computers. Our students would not go to a library for research or write essays in their own hand. The computers allure and entice them into their work.
The self-esteem of our student is beautifully enhanced by feelings of competence in world of computers. Without computers, they would be removed totally from an activity in which they feel comfortable and desire to participant in.
2. Team Workshop Training Day.
One team workshop day remains on May 22. Manolo Rider-Sanchez
and Margaret Plank are co-presenters for "Internet Lessons
and Collaborative Projects." Just a few spaces remain. Please
email Charlene if interested in attending.
3. Future of the PowerRanger
Sam advised that openings for 50 new PowerRangers had been announced
through email. Teachers wishing to participate are to apply through
their division director. It has not yet been decided whether funding
will be available to upgrade older laptops to new iBooks -- details
4. End of Second Semester report.
The process for the end of year
assessment will be the same as in previous years. The online assessment
contains a web-based multiple choice questionnaire and narrative
questions. As before, "non-PowerRangers" will be invited
to complete the assessment for comparison purposes. Charlene and
Sam will prepare a report over the summer so that PowerRangers
can compare their current answers to previous entries submmitted,
thus providing a documentation of the professional growth among
laptop users.
5. Administrivia
- iBooks with problems: Several additional loaners are available so that iBooks with problems can be sent back this month. Although it may inconvenience teachers to work from a loaner, the repair cost of the iBooks could range between $300-$400. Typical iBook problems include: the CD drawer will not stay shut; the latch on the lid does not keep the screen shut, or in order for the power to work, users must jiggle and mess with the power cord. ANY iBOOKS WITH HARDWARE PROBLEMS WILL NEED TO BE SENT TO APPLE FOR REPAIR ASAP! Please contact Charlene if yours needs repair.
- Software updates: Sam mentioned that there will be new versions of software next year for several titles, including an update to AppleWorks. PowerRangers will be responsible for installing the necessary updates.
- An updated version of Making the Grade software is now available in the PowerRanger shared folder. (This corrects the "universal" PIN issue after you re-export you webgrades using the new version). Upgrading can easily be done in 2 steps and will NOT affect your current grade files.
1. Drag the existing Making the Grade icon from the Applications folder to the Trash.
2. Drag the MTG folder from the PowerRanger shared folder, into the Applications folder on the Macintosh HD.
Although not required, it would be a good idea to rebuild your desktop next time you re-boot.