PowerRanger Meeting
Friday, May 24, 2002
Room 7096
1. PowerRanger History Game
- Power Rangers History Game- Power Rangers
were asked to create questions about the history of the PowerRanger
program and write them on the cards provided on the table. The
questions were then shared with a nearby table, as a challenge.
These questions will be gathered together as a welcoming activity
for the next years' Power Rangers.
- Rangers then wrote out "advice"
for next years Power Rangers, and were asked to provide feedback
on ways to improve the PowerRanger Program.
2. Future of the PowerRanger
- 51 new Rangers will be added next year.
- Next year will be Sam's last year. A summer
curriculum project has been proposed to discuss the future of
the program. The intent is that PowerRanger participants will
be facilitators and leaders; it will no longer be run by Sam
and Charlene. PowerRangers interested in becoming part of the
leadership "team" should fill out the Feedback form
provided on the link below.
3. PowerRanger Mentoring for
next year
4. End of year check out procedure
- PowerRangers can begin "checking
out" on Thursday, May 30, and can sign up for a time
through a web-based calendar at: http://www.calsnet.com/prcheckout
for entering a check out appointment:
- Before you begin, observe and jot down
which times are available.
- Click on the calendar "date"
for your desired check out day.
- Enter the user name "power"
and password of "ranger" when the screen pops up.
- Click the "Create" link near
the top of the page, type your name and select a "15 minute
time" slot.
- Check out times will be from 7:45 am to
5:15 pm daily, except where noted.
- Checking out will include:
-Visual inspection of computer
-Check that virus protection is up to date
-On-Line end of year assessment completed
-Verify attendance at meetings
-Norton Spring Tune-Up is optional
(This may cure software issues and makes things run smoother)
-Anything you checked out during the year, should be returned.
5. Administrivia
- Upgrading:
Sam needs to know your intent to upgrade by Friday, May 31. A
memo was sent regarding the specifics on the new iBooks. The
black laptops may be offered for sale at current market value,
with just the original factory-shipped software, or software
that we are licensed to install provided. This means that all
current files will be wiped off the computer. Special Ed staff
working on IEPs will need some type of removable data device.
- Care and Feeding Alert!!
A recent casualty: When shutting
down, a PowerRanger closed the lid of the computer, and did not
realize the shut down sequence had not completed. The resulting
heat caused the "melting" of some of the keyboard keys,
as well as "blowing out" the screen. A word of caution! Please be sure the computer is off (power light
goes out) or asleep (power light pulses) before stowing the laptop
in the carrying bag.
Other: it has been reported that some PowerRangers have
been seen walking through the halls with the laptops open and
some even with cords connected and dangling out. Please take
extra care when transporting laptops!! Laptops must be in the closed position, with all
"peripherals" disconnected before being moved.
- iBooks with problems: Several additional loaners are available so that
iBooks with problems can be sent back this month. Although it
may inconvenience teachers to work from a loaner, the repair
cost of the iBooks could range between $300-$400. Typical iBook
problems include: the CD drawer will not stay shut; the latch
on the lid does not keep the screen shut, or in order for the
power to work, users must jiggle and mess with the power cord.
APPLE FOR REPAIR by the end of the May! Please contact Charlene
if yours needs repair.
- Software updates: There will be a few new versions of software next
year for several titles, including an update to AppleWorks. PowerRangers
will be responsible for installing the necessary updates. All
PowerRangers should install the new version of Making the Grade
Software which is in the PowerRanger shared folder. You must
copy the entire folder to your Applications folder!
Upgrading can easily be done in 2 steps and
will NOT affect your current grade files.
1. Drag the existing Making the Grade icon from the Applications
folder to the Trash.
2. Drag the entire "Making the Grade Mac" folder from
the PowerRanger shared folder, into the Applications folder on
the Macintosh HD.
Although not required, it would be a good idea to rebuild your
desktop next time you re-boot.
Thanks to those who helped at the meeting:
Carolyn Brumund for fetching ice,
the projector and assisting with setup and tear down. Mary Finlay
and Sean Carney for helping cook and transport the dogs, Sandy
Washburn for cleaning up the kitchen. Lori Polin-Silva, Jane Kilby,
and Lino Martinez for taking notes. Angela Sacchitello, Beth Sparacino,
and Liz Kenney for collecting the finished paperwork.
Did you update
your virus protection May 1st?