1. Introductions and Welcome!!
Sam Ritchie and the Ranger Advisor team (Laura Brown, Wendy Custable, Breeon Fisher, Amy Inselberger, Michelle LaCognata, Sandi Millman and Lisa Nehring) welcomed new and veteran Rangers. Total teacher and administrators in the program is 285.
2. Who's who in Information Services
Information Services staff introduced themselves and shared ways in which they support technology use at Stevenson by both staff and students.
3. Think - Pair - Share
* THINK! --- A visitor to Stevenson stops to ask you how teachers are using technology in the classroom. What "story" would you tell?
* PAIR ---Tell your story to the person across from you.
* SHARE ---Discuss at your table and choose one story to share.
Highlights of stories shared:
4th hour
5th hour...
6th hour
4. PowerRanger expectations
All 2003-04 PowerRangers are expected to participate in 8 hours of training each semester (whether giving or receiving), attend the monthly lunch meetings, participate in the list-serv and meet regularly with their assigned mentors/teams. The process of observation can be a powerful component for reflection on technology integration ideas.
5. Goal setting for the year:
Power Rangers were asked to set "technology" goals for 2003-2004 by completing the following statements:* My technology goal for the year....
* People who can help me with this...
* Time and resources needed ....
* What would stop me from achieving this goal?Responses are to be submitted online by Friday, Oct. 3. Once received, the results will be kept on file, shared with the Ratpack leaders for each curriculum area, and used for planning workshops/sessions during the year.
Thanks to those who helped at the meeting: Ellen Shown for
coordinating the lunch setup and Sam Ritchie and Ratpack members for
Did you
update your virus protection Sept 1st?