PowerRanger Meeting Minutes
Friday, Sept. 13, 2002
Room 7096

1. Sage advice for all PowerRangers!!

2. Who's who in Information Services

3. Power "Rangers Advisory Team" (aka: Ratpack)

4. PowerRanger expectations

5. Goal setting for the year:

Power Rangers answered the following questions which were collected by the leadership team and will be used in planning for future lunch meetings.

* My technology goal for the year....
* People who can help me with this...
* Time and resources needed ....
* What would stop me from achieving this goal?

6. Administrivia:

PowerRangers will meet again on Oct. 11, during all lunch periods.

Thanks to those who helped at the meeting: Carolyn Brumund for fetching ice, the projector and assisting with setup. Sam and Michelle LaCognata who handled the pizza deliveries. Lori Polin-Silva who provided the amplifier for the "Advice" slide show, and the members of the ratpack who organized the pizzas in the warming ovens, and made sure the drinks were replenished.

Did you update your virus protection Sept 1st?