Turn any AppleWorks Word Processing document into a Slide Show presentation with these 5 easy steps.

  1. Open a word processing document, choose “Save as...” from the File menu and rename the document for the Slide Show version. Example: Tutorial Slide Show
  2. Choose Page Setup from the File menu and set the page orientation to horizontal/ landscape.

  3. Choose “Select All” in the Edit menu and change the font Size to 24 point or larger.
  4. Click the “small mountains” at the bottom of your screen to reduce the window to 66.7% so you can see an entire page on your screen.
  5. Scroll through your document adjusting your paragraphs as needed. Where you want each new slide to begin, use the Insert Page Break in the Format menu (or press the Enter key on the numeric keypad).

That's it! You are ready to present your slide show!

Charlene Chausis
Adlai E. Stevenson High School
Lincolnshire, IL

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