Planning a Presentation

        Name: __________________________________________ Date: ________________

        Topic: ________________________________________________________________

        Who is the audience? __________________________________________________

        What is the purpose? __________________________________________________


       Previous knowledge:







       Need to find out:               Where to locate information:














        Set up a plan -- Organize 
        (an outline approach best fits PowerPoint!)

       Grouping ideas:
        Compare/contrast: __________________________________________

        Explanation: _______________________________________________

        Other: _____________________________________________________














        * create a title - introductory slide
        * reveal the topic or action to be taken - what should the viewer focus on?
        * provide details or facts in an organized, sequential order
        * provide enhancements to "drive home" a point or to add interest
        * conclude with a clincher ending - make the viewer remember!

        * same tense
        * alignment
        * continuity
        * spelling, punctuation, capitalizatoin
        * overall appearance

       Question yourself:
        Is it easy to understand the "big picture?"     Yes   sort of   No
        Are enough details given for support?           Yes   sort of   No
        Are the steps clear/organized well?             Yes   sort of   No
        Use of key linking words - first, second..      Yes   sort of   No
        Is it interesting?                              Yes   sort of   No
        Can the viewer stay focused?                    Yes   sort of   No
        Is the viewer distracted?                       Yes   sort of   No

Adlai E. Stevenson High School
Information Processing - Mrs. Finlay