Designer Clothing for the Enviormental Consious

EcoStyle Studio is a men and women's waer boutique based in the Loyal Heights area of Seattle. We were a first in Washington to proudly offer envionmentally friendly fashion since 2005. All the collections found at our boutique are beutiful, stylish, desrirable and enviorment friendly.
Enviorment Friendly

Being Enviortemntal friendly can mean different things to different people. As an enviormental fashion boutique however, we have a responsibility to ensure that all of our products have been produced under conditions and from materials that meet recognized ethical and envirmentalstandards, and faciliae improvements in quality of life throughht the supply chain

We are committed to improving sustainability in the fashion industry and have been awarded the Sustainable Fashion of the by EcoVision in 2009. At EcoStyle Studio you will find organic cotton collections, clothing made from other sustainable fabrics such as bamboo and soya, shoes that have been using reconstitued leather dyed using envirmental friendly dyes and also some wonderful vegan accessories.

"Every fashion season I take the opportunity to convey a bigger message than just hemiles and trends." Bradley Huff, Owner

Sustainability by Design

There is a wide range of ethically related standards and principles and each designer and each item of clothingwill offer a differen ethical footprint. BLAHBLAH Wehn you are browsing in our boutique, each piece has one or more of thesestandrads or certifications and each product is clearly labled to indicate whichethical criteria they arelinked to.
