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Unit 3: Web Graphics

Learning Targets

  1. Create and refine selections in Photoshop.
  2. Create and manipulate layers in Photoshop.
  3. Create web content in Photoshop.
  4. Design website layouts using Photoshop.


  1. Photoshop Tutorials
  2. GIMP - Free alternative to Photoshop
  3. Photoshop - 30 Day Free Trial
  4. Brusheezy - Download Brushes, Patterns, Textures, and Images
  5. Phtoshop Fails
  6. When Graphic Artists Get Bored
  7. Dove - Evolution of Beauty Commercial
  8. Color Scheme Designer
  9. The Good, The Bad, The Ugly


  1. Assignment #1 - Photoshop - Selections
  2.  Project #1 - Impossible Image
  3.  Assignment #2 - Retouching
  4.  Project #2 - Collage
    1. Image
  5.  Assignment #3 - Clone Stamp Game
  6. Movie Poster Project 
  7. Project #3 - Photoshop Website Instructions
    1. SpongeBob Sample Website - SpongeBob Sample PSD
    2. Nemo Sample Website - Nemo Sample PSD
    3. Plan Form
  8. Project #4 - Ms. Mumford's 2nd Grade Class
    1. Sample