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Unit 3: App Development

Learning Targets

  1. Set up a website using a content management system
  2. Customize the CMS with a theme that supports your website content.
  3. Incorporate plugins to the CMS website to increase functionality and user experience.


  1. MIT App Inventor
  2. App Inventor Tutorials
  3. Reading: Conditionals
  4. Reading: Variables
  5. Intro to Canvas


  1. App Inventor Beginner Tutorials
    1. TalkToMe Text-to-Speech App | Video | PDF
    2. Extended TalkToMe App: Shake! | Video | PDF
    3. BallBounce Game App | Video | PDF
    4. DigitalDoodle Drawing App | Video | PDF
  2. Soundboard App
    1. Audio Sites
  3. PaintBot Tutorial | PDF
    1. Step 1 Video: When user touches, draw a circle. When user drags, draw a line.
    2. Step 2 Video: Add menu items that let user draw in different colors.
    3. Step 3 Video: Add menu items that let user draw different size circles.
    4. Step 4 Video: Let the user use camera to set background picture.
    5. Step 5 Video: Add feedback for the user interface.
    6. Step 6: Customize it!
  4. Mole Mash! | PDF Instructions
    1. Step 1 Video: Design the user interface and make the mole move randomly
    2. Step 2 Video: Add a point when the user touches the mole 
    3. Step 3 Video: Subtract a point when the user misses the mole 
    4. Step 4 Video: Change the app so that an energy bar gets smaller when the user misses
    5. Step 5 Video: Make the game end when energy is zero
    6. Step 6: Cutomize it!