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Design Skills

Contest of Champions

  1. Design Principles Activity
  2. Audience Activity
  3. Meaning/Message Activity

Clent Centered Project

  1. Design Principles Activity
  2. Audience Activity
  3. Meaning/Message Activity


Media Arts Design and Development Learning Targets
Exceeds Mastery Mastery Approaching Mastery Still Developing
2.1 I can use the elements of design to add multiple meanings to my message. I can use the elements of design to enhance the meaning of my message. I can use the elements of design to communicate my message. With help, I can use the elements of design to communicate my message.
2.2 I can use the principles of design to add multiple meanings to my message. I can use the principles of design to enhance the meaning of my message. I can use the principles of design to communicate my message. With help, I can use the principles of design to communicate my message.