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The Media Arts Design Process

Statement of Problem
The statement of problem is a clear concise description of the issue that needs to be addressed by the student. It is used to center and focus the student at the beginning, keep him/her on track during the effort, and is used to validate that the effort delivered an outcome that solves the problem.

The next step in the Media Arts Design Process is to research the problem in order to get a better understanding of it. Depending on the nature of the problem, you may need to do a great deal of research or very little. The research phase of the Media Arts Design Process will provide direction for the project.

Ideate is the step of the Media Arts Design Process in which the student concentrates on idea generation to transition from identifying problems to creating solutions. Ideate is used to generate a broad range of possibilities to step beyond the obvious solutions to increase the innovation potential of your solution.

Design and Produce
Students move forward with an idea from the Ideate step and design and produce a product (printed media, website, game, or video) that solves the problem identified in step 1. Iterative design becomes important in the step and may cause students to go back to previous steps (or move forward to the next step) before completing a design and product that appropriately solves the problem.

Test and Evaluate
Once students have a designed product, it is important to test that the product actually solved the problem. Testing and evaluating the produce will most likely send students back to previous steps to refine the design and product so the best possible solution is presented.

Communicate Solution
Students present the problem and communicate the solution and how it solved the problem.


Contest Project
You will be completing a project for a contest (preferably aimed toward high school students). You will be using the Media Arts Design Process to ensure a timely submission of a high quality product that solves the identified problem.

  1. Statemen of Problem
  2. Research
  3. Ideate
  4. Design and Produce
  5. Test and Evaluate
  6. Communicate Solution

Client Project
You will be completing a project for a client (preferably a Stevenson community member). You will be using the Media Arts Design Process to ensure a timely submission of a high quality product that solves the identified problem.

  1. Statement of Problem
  2. Research
  3. Ideate
  4. Design and Produce
  5. Test and Evaluate
  6. Communicate Solution

Team Documents

  1. Teammate Evaluation


Media Arts Design and Development Learning Targets
Exceeds Mastery Mastery Approaching Mastery Still Developing
1.1 Using the design process, I can identify and define the problem to develop a complete list of constraints and parameters for my design. Using the design process, I can define the problem to develop a complete list of constraints and parameters for my design. Using the design process, I can define the problem to develop a partial list of constraints and parameters for my design. With help, I can use the design process to define the problem and develop a partial list of constraints and parameters for my design.
1.2 Using the design process, I can research my problem and determine a complete list of constraints and parameters for my solution that includes cross media solutions. Using the design process, I can research my problem to determine a complete list of constraints and parameters for my solution. Using the design process, I can research my problem to determine some constraints and parameters for my solution. With help, I can use the design process to research my problem and determine some constraints and parameters for my solution.
1.3 Using the design process, I can generate several innovative and appropriate ideas that adhere to the constraints and parameters of the problem. Using the design process, I can generate several ideas that adhere to the constraints and parameters of the problem. Using the design process, I can generate some ideas that adhere to the constraints and parameters of the problem. With help, I can use the design process to generate some ideas that adhere to the constraints and parameters of the problem.
1.4 Using design process, I can develop an original product of my solution that adheres to the constraints and parameters of the problem ready for release. Using design process, I can develop a working prototype of my solution that adheres to the constraints and parameters of the problem. Using design process, I can develop a prototype of my solution. With help, I can use the design process to develop a prototype of my solution.
1.5 Using the design process, I can evaluate and refine my prototype to address the constraints and parameters of the problem. Using the design process, I can evaluate the effectiveness of my prototype by addressing the constraints and parameters of the problem. Using design process, I can evaluate the effectiveness of my prototype by addressing some of the constraints and parameters of the problem. With help, I can evaluate the effectiveness of my prototype by addressing some of the constraints and parameters of the problem.
1.6 I can professionally communicate my solution to the problem by demonstrating how it meets the criteria and parameters of the problem and distribute it across all media platforms. I can communicate my solution to the problem by demonstrating how it meets the criteria and parameters of the problem and distribute it to multiple media platforms. I can communicate part of my solution to the problem by demonstrating how it meets the criteria and parameters of the problem and distribute it to some media platforms. With help, I can communicate part of my solution to the problem by demonstrating how it meets the criteria and parameters of the problem and distribute it to some media platforms.